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The Best and Worst Sleeping Positions for Your Back

If you’re one of the millions of adults looking for more restful sleep, you may wonder what the best and worst sleeping positions are so you can be comfortable in dreamland. Back pain, lumpy mattresses, and pillows that don’t support your neck are all culprits that get in the way of quality sleep

At Premier Spine Institute in The Woodlands, Humble, and Baytown, Texas,  Dr. Bonaventure Ngu treats back, shoulder, and neck pain so you can get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle because your sleep quality impacts your heart, metabolism, moods, and more.

The best and worst sleeping positions for your back 

Spinal flexibility is essential to your mobility. Your spine is divided into five segments, starting at your neck and extending to your tailbone. You want your pillow and mattress to support your neck, shoulders, and back so your entire spine stays aligned while you sleep.

Multiple pillows can help support your neck, shoulders, and back. 

Here are two of the best sleeping positions. 

Back sleeping 

If you’re a back sleeper, you can use a pillow under your knees to enhance your spine’s alignment. Additionally, make sure your pillow supports your neck. You want your head, neck, and spine to rest in a neutral position. 

The fetal position

If you like to sleep on your side with your knees drawn up, this can reduce back pain while maintaining the spine’s natural curve. A pillow between your knees supports your spine.

Now, two of the worst sleeping positions. 

Stomach sleeping

Sleeping on your stomach may put stress on your neck and shoulders because you twist your head at an unnatural angle. This position can also strain the spine after a while. If you have back pain, it’s a good idea to train yourself to sleep on your side instead of your stomach. 

Twisted side sleeping 

Side sleeping in the fetal position offers back support, but twisted side sleeping can torque your spine when your upper leg twists over the lower one. A pillow between your knees reduces the torque and supports your lower back. 

It’s worth investing in a quality mattress and pillows, as they support your spine and can reduce back pain. You can experiment with different pillows and pillow arrangements until you feel comfortable. Maintain your spinal health for maximum flexibility.

Additionally, if you experience back, neck, or shoulder pain, book an appointment with Dr. Ngu at Premier Spine Institute for effective treatment.

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